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Things To Do

TALL TALES - Tuesday, January 28th, North London Tavern

Be still your beating hearts, Tall Tales will be back home in January. The show will feature AT LEAST Gareth Edwards, John Finnemore, Alex Franklin, Rosalie Minnitt and Susannah Pearse.

PLANE SPEAKING by Robert Hudson (April 1st, 2023, and BBC Sounds)

Plane Speaking is about a Black Box Recorder investigating a corporate crime. It’s pretty much what you’d expect. It was brilliantly directed by Sasha Yevtushenko and stars such important interpreters of my work as Fenella Woolgar and Clare Foster, and a lot of I-hope-future-important-interpreters-of-my-work, because the cast was magic. The sound design by Keith Graham and Peter Ringrose, let me tell you, is worth the price of admission.

Listen & Often and Tall Tales present

MAGNITSKY THE MUSICAL (12th January, 2020, Radio 3, and for ever on BBC Sounds as far as I can tell)

Magnitsky the Musical is about a crazy tax heist, an accountant’s quixotic quest for justice, a financier who goes on an unlikely legal crusade, the legendary Trump Tower Meeting, democracy and the very Rule of Law. I wrote it with the magical Johnny Flynn, it was directed by Sasha Yevtushenko and it stars Johnny and Paul Chahidi, and also Gus Brown, Ellie Kendrick, Fenella Woolgar and the BBC Radio rep. It won Audio Drama of the Year.

There’s a Czech version, if you’re Czech. I’m not sure how to find it.

HALL OF MIRRORS by Robert Hudson and Susannah Pearse (March 27th, 2022, and BBC Sounds)

We adapted The Mighty Fin’s 2019 show, Hall of Mirrors, for Radio 3, which was broadcast on Sunday March 27th. It stars Jamie Parker, Patsy Ferran, Sabrina Sandhu, Matthew Durkan, Jason Barnett, Neil McCaul, Michael Begley and Christine Kavanagh, the MD is Tim Sutton and the Director is Sasha Yevtushenko.

The Radio Times called it ‘an astonishing and scarily prescient piece of work’ and The Times thinks it’s ‘envelope pushing. And wildly pertinent.’

ROSSUM’S UNIVERSAL ROBOTS by Robert Hudson and Susannah Pearse (April 3rd and 10th, 2022, and BBC Sounds)

This is an adaptation of the play that gave the world ‘robot’. It stars Paul Chahidi, Matthew Durkan, Clare Foster, Paul Hilton, Neil McCaul, Anneika Rose, with Michael Begley, Alexandra Hannant, Chris Jack and Tayla Kovacevic-Ebong, the MD is Harry Sever and the Director is Sasha Yevtushenko. Oddly, there is no Czech version of this one.

It was also a pick of the week in The Times.


Maybe we will return. We plan to, and maybe we will.