Tall Tales is bi-monthly comedy night which has seen the first drafts of various Radio 4 shows (Warhorses of Letters, Before They Were Famous, Some Hay in a Manger), stories which went onto Dave's Crackanory and first drafts of shows from Benet Brandreth, John Finnemore and Anna Savory.
Tall Tales will probably not be on its traditional March 25th date because one of its alumni is launching a book that night. But we will be on around then. early indications suggest we will be John Finnemore, Marty Gleeson, Rosalie Minnitt, Anna Savory and maybe the launch of an all-new musical twist on the James Pond Experience.
The Emergency Broadcast System* was how we responded to being locked down exactly the same as every other comedy writer.
It existed to be a News Free Zone, because there’s enough news. It was drawn from our live showcases, and for obvious practical reasons, the production was quite ad hoc. If we’d had to do it better, we couldn’t have done it at all, but Tall Tales has always been about the stuff and not the glitter.
We, unlike some people, think the world could use some less relevant comedy, and we’re going to put together a podcast to see if that’s true. It should be live some time before our March/April live show.
You can send us your thoughts via talltalesnight at gmail. It’s not monitored super rigorously, but it is monitored.
*Good name, huh? Well, we thought so. Then, finally rewatching some of the endlessly reposted Mitchell & Webb Event sketches, Iwesaw they featured the ‘BBC Emergency Broadcast System’. There’s also a federal EBS in the USA, which may be where they got the name, but we’re sorry to M & W’s crack writing team for what is, at very best, an unintentional homage.
Will you be able to buy a full set of Mighty Fin DVDs. YES. STILL! Email us.